Miniseries Chapter 4: Striking the Balance - The blinking cursor / Navigating Plan B
I recently went home for the short 10 day vac. Although my parents had come down for Graduation, and to watch my NAF18 "A Feather on the...
Miniseries Chapter 3: Striking the balance – The questions you will likely be asked in a funding int
Interviews … There’s a reason I prefer emailing people to talking to them in person, & its nothing to do with cellphone bills! Okay, that...

Miniseries Chapter 2 – Striking the Balance: How to Write about Yourself with Pride, not Arrogance
Balance is so important when selling yourself to an un/familiar board. Many people are uncomfortable accepting praise, let alone listing...

Striking the Balance: miniseries chapter 1 - Writing a Funding Application
By the time I graduated with a 3 year undergraduate degree, I had eight scholarships, bursaries, and awards to my name. Some were awarded...

A Feather on the Breath of God: the importance of debriefing
It’s been three days since Caleb, Nina, and I performed A Feather on the Breath of God in the Nun’s Chapel, for the last time. I have...
Opera Found: how I “found my voice in opera” (Duncan Guy)
I think that my transformed, now obsessed relationship with opera can best be depicted by Vivian (played by Julia Roberts), in the film...

In transition - on being a student & professional performer
Having a brand meeting is one thing. It's exciting! You have a professional web designer who knows what they're doing, and they deal with...